


Nghe chuông Đại Hồng - HÔ KỆ THỈNH CHUÔNG (p1)

*** Tất cả kết nối khác *** Ba nghiệp lắng thanh tịnh Gởi lòng theo tiếng chuông Nguyện người nghe tỉnh thức Vượt thoát nẻo đau buồn. Lắng lòng nghe, lắng lòng nghe Tiếng chuông huyền diệu đưa về nhất tâm. Nguyện tiếng chuông này vang pháp giới Khắp nơi u tối mọi loài nghe Siêu nhiên vượt thoát vòng sanh tử Giác ngộ tâm tư một hướng về. Nguyện tiếng chuông này vang pháp giới Xa xôi tăm tối cũng đều nghe Những ai lạc bước mau dừng lại Tỉnh giấc hôn mê thấy nẻo về. Nghe chuông phiền não tan mây khói Ý lặng, thân an, miệng mỉm cười Hơi thở nương chuông về chánh niệm Vườn tâm hoa tuệ nở xinh tươi. Nghe tiếng chuông Lòng nhẹ buông Tâm tĩnh lặng Hết sầu thương Tập buông thả Thôi vấn vương Lắng nghe thấu Tận nguồn cơn Học nhìn lại Hiểu và thương. Chuông đại hồng mới vọng Tiếng kệ xướng đã vang Trên vọng tới thiên đường Dưới thông về địa phủ. Nam Mô Bụt Tỳ Lô Giá Na, Pháp Thân Thanh Tịnh. Nam Mô Bụt Lô Xá Na, Báo Thân Viên Mãn Nam Mô Bụt Thích Ca Mâu Ni, Hóa Thân ngàn muôn ức. Nam Mô Bụt A Di Ðà cõi nước Tịnh Ðộ. Nam Mô Bụt Di Lặc hạ sanh trong tương lai. Nam Mô Bụt Dược Sư Lưu Ly. Nam Mô Bụt Bất Ðộng cõi nước Diệu Hỷ. Nam Mô Bồ Tát Đại Trí Văn Thù Sư Lợi. Nam Mô Bồ Tát Đại Hạnh Phổ Hiền. Nam Mô Bồ Tát Đại Bi Quan Thế Âm. Nam Mô Bồ Tát Đại Nguyện Ðịa Tạng Vương.

Namo Avalokiteshvara 🙏 Plum village Chanting 🙏 THICH NHAT HANH

Avalokiteshvaraya, the Bodhisattva of great compassion, is the most well-known of all the Bodhisattvas in the Buddhist tradition. In Plum Village, her name is invoked as a prayer, continuously repeated for twenty minutes, in order to awaken the energy of compassion in us all and transmit it to all living beings. When the monastics chant the name Avalokiteshvaraya, for the first time, they go back to themselves to touch the suffering inside of them. And when they chant the name for the second time they become aware of the suffering of the people around them. And when they chant it for the third time, they get in touch with the suffering of the whole world, embracing it tenderly with the energy of compassion. Contemplations before chanting The Sangha is invited to come back to our breathing, so that our collective energy of mindfulness will bring us together as an organism, going as a river, with no more separation. Let the whole Sangha breathe as one body, chant as one body, listen as one body and transcend the boundaries of a delusive self, liberating from the superiority complex, the inferiority complex, and the equality complex. Contemplations avant le chant La Sangha est invitée à retourner à sa respiration; ainsi notre énergie collective de pleine conscience nous rassemblera en un organisme, coulant comme une rivière sans plus aucune séparation. Laissons la Sangha toute entière respirer comme un seul corps; chanter comme un seul corps; écouter comme un seul corps, et transcender les frontières d'un soi illusoire et nous libérant ainsi du complexe de supériorité, d'infériorité et d'égalité. (Plum village - European Institute of applied Buddhism (EIAB) - Retreat 12/08/2014)

Happiness is Here and Now 👌 Plum Village Song

Happiness is here and now. I have dropped my worries. Nothing to do. Nowhere to go. There’s no need for hurry. Happiness is here and now. I have dropped my worries. Something to do. Somewhere to go. But, there’s no need for hurry.

Ratana Sutta With English Subtitles – English meaning and the origin of Ratana Sutta

Ratana sutta with English subtitles - Live chanting of Ratana sutta with Pali and English subtitles by Sri Lankan monks of Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery. The Ratana Sutta is a Buddhist discourse (Pali:sutta) found in the Pali Canon's Sutta Nipata (Snp 2.1). The Ratana Sutta is chanted daily throughout Theravada Buddhist countries as a protective chant and blessing. We decided to chant this paritta to bless all who are affected by the coronavirus pandemic and all who face any form of evil, negativity, sickness or fear of death. The occasion for this discourse, in brief: The city of Vesali was afflicted by a famine, causing many deaths. Due to the presence of decaying corpses the evil spirits began to haunt the city; this was followed by a pestilence. Plagued by these three fears of famine, non-human beings and pestilence, the citizens sought the help of the Buddha who was then living at Rajagaha. Followed by a large number of monks including the Venerable Ananda, his attendant disciple, the Buddha came to the city of Vesali. The moment Buddha set foot in the city of Vesali, there were torrential rains which swept away the putrefying corpses. The atmosphere became purified, the city was clean. Thereupon the Buddha delivered this Jewel Discourse (Ratana sutta[1]) to the Venerable Ananda, and gave him instructions as to how he should tour the city with the Licchavi citizens reciting the discourse as a mark of protection to the people of Vesali. The Venerable Ananda followed the instructions, and sprinkled the sanctified water from the Buddha's own alms bowl. As a consequence the evil spirits were exorcised, the pestilence subsided. Thereafter the Venerable Ananda returned with the citizens of Vesali to the Public hall where the Buddha and his disciples had assembled awaiting his arrival. There the Buddha recited the same Jewel Discourse to the gathering.

Buddha Vandana | Sinhala Chanting with English Subtitles

Buddhist Monasteries in Sri Lanka 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭: Help us build an International Buddhist Centre in Colombo : 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡: 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐀𝐩𝐩 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 - To buy the English Mahamevnawa Paritta Chanting book click the link below Download our Buddha Vandana Book Online: _________________________________________________________________ If our videos help you, click SUBSCRIBE and leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you! Colombo Dhamma Friends is a place where you can find original Buddha's teaching translated into the English language. ① Find even more Dhamma content and events - ② Facebook - ③ Instagram - ④ Read Suttas in English - #Buddha #BuddhisminEnglish #Dhamma #Buddhistmonks #Buddhism #Theravada #BuddhismforKids #Chanting #meditation #Sangha
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